Let’s Tell a Story…
Stories are a tapestry. They speak of our background. They become part of our relationships. They tell our history and create shared experiences. I started to notice in the past few years (while the world was a little wahoonie shaped) that the experiences I craved and missed weren't based on a mechanic or a theme, but the stories we shared. From epic adventures involving mice warriors and honey jars to dozens of people laughing over the definition of a sandwich, I missed the camaraderie of the stories we created. And the more I listened to other folks talking about their favorite tabletop experiences, the more I learned that many people feel the same. That the enduring part was not as much about what was on the table as the folks around it and the story that became part of their shared history. With this is mind, Violet Daisy Games is focused entirely on stories: epic tales of fantastical adventures, subtle journeys filled with deep meaning, laughter filled amusements that add to a gathering or celebration. We are all made up of our our stories. We hope to add another joyful thread to the tapestry of yours.

What’s in a name?
A long time ago (2007) on an MMO server far away...
A gnome spell caster was created. I'd used my own name for years playing Counter-Strike but I wanted something different for this new experience. The auto generator wasn't helping until rapid button mashing alighted on a flower name. Inspired, I combined my favorite color and flower, and Violet Daisy was born.
Three years later I attended my first RPG session. Stuck for a name (as always) I settled back into Violet Daisy - both for familiarity and because she'd already been a huge part of my game history. So the gnome warlock became a member of the Mouse Guard. And then an international superspy. And then a Jedi. And a house builder and a Starfleet officer and a Hobbit and a host of other wonderful things. And every single one an adventure I shared with so many wonderful friends and remember with a huge grin. Violet Daisy is not just a name, but the figurehead of the last 15 years of my own game journey. And so it's only fitting that as I start a new chapter, she continue to be part of it. Violet Daisy Games celebrates stories, and the name represents mine.